
Monthly Digest: February

Here are some events, that happened at our university during February.

On February 17, the League of SAUH held the game "What? Where? When?" Of 2017/2018 season, in which participated 10 teams, 5-6 people each.

On February 18, students celebrated Chinese New Year in the SAUH Chinese conversational club. Guests of the club participated in a mini-quest, which included competitions, devoted to Chinese culture: tricky questions about provinces, drew hierogram. Also, guests tasted Chinese pie, and most importantly they got a charge out of positive emotions.

On February 21, a series of lectures was opened within the "Discourse" project of the Club for Political Analysis. Students of various faculties of our university listened to the basics of public speaking and used the gained knowledge in practice.

The popular science magazine "The Cat of Schrodinger» in cooperation with SAUH held two seminars within the oLogy project. The first - on how to turn texts on a scientific topic into a play, instruction manual, tourist guide or obituary.The editor-in-chief of "The Cat of Schroedinger" Grigori Tarasevich told about his favorite techniques of genre stylization and showed how to talk about the most boring, at first glance, scientific topics in an interesting way.

The second - on scientific journalism from the editor of "The Cat of Schrodinger" Alena Lesnyak. She spoke on how to present information - whether it is a lecture in a class, a declaration of love or journalistic material. It is necessary to find the main idea in a ton of information that we want to provide. It will help to build an understandable and successful composition of the text - a popular message.

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