July at the University was very eventful.
Our project "Sociohumanitarian collection of online courses" was selected for grants from the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation.
Online forum of the international center for semiotics and dialogue of cultures GAUGN "Semiotics and the pandemic. Responding to big challenges", dedicated to the conceptualization of today's pandemic, became part of the world network of online scientific projects "The World Pandemic Research Network".
On July GAUGN congratulated the Vice-Dean of the faculty of world politics, Director of the Institute of USA and Canada studies, doctor of historical Sciences Valery Garbuzov with the anniversary.
A new periodical on philosophy, the Transcendental journal, has been launched on the basis of the faculty of philosophy of GAUGN.
But the most important events were the graduation ceremonies, which were held in compliance with all security requirements.