
Monthly digest: June

In June, the selection committee started, and students were passing their exams, so there were very few events, here are the most significant:

On June 7 at the Faculty of sociology of the GAUGN was a day of vocational guidance. The day began with a master class by Nina Kolennikova, "Understand the Styles of Life," during which schoolchildren learned to identify the main features of different social groups. Collectively, the guys formed sociological portraits of "Trendies", "Not Adapted in Life", "Traditionalists", "Aspiring to the Best" and "Victims of Advertising".

The second part of the Day of vocational guidance was social quest "In contact with the profession" allowed to show its participants creative abilities and knowledge. The battle for victory that erupted during the quest ended in a friendly draw.

On June 21 at the Faculty of World Politics a meeting with the delegation of the University of Kennesaw (USA). As part of the delegation, students-political scientists, journalists and professors of the university, was headed by Professor T. Rothnem.
The meeting was held in English. The topic of the speech was devoted to acquaintance of the guest with the work of the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences and programs of training specialists in the field of international relations.

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