
Monthly digest: November

Here are the latest events.

On November 8, the annual game “What? Where? When?” was held. There were ten participating teams - a record number of participants since the founding of the league, and three of won.

On November 14-15, the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the conference “Psychology - the Science of the Future” (PSF), organized by the Institute of Psychology of RAS and SAUH.

PSF is one of the few conferences in the field of psychology, which is held specifically for young researchers. This is an excellent opportunity to plunge into the world of academic psychology, to demonstrate the results of their work, to receive feedback from leading Russian scientists and other participants, to network.

On November 17 the meeting of the SAUH debate club was held, the theme of the meeting was “The return of cultural treasures to the countries of origin”.

On November 27, the Grant Council announced 35 leading scientists, awarded with contest grants of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research.

358 leading scientists from 41 countries took part in the competition with more than 170 scientific and educational organizations of Russia: 280 applications were submitted by universities and 78 by scientific organizations.

SAUH leading scientist Forrest Alan was one of the 35 winners. He was working on the scientific research “Methods of recognizing liberal values in the regions of traditions in the modern period”.

Last, but not least, the SAUH football team defeated the other two teams in the mini-football competition in the program XXX Moscow student sports games.

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