
The RAS’ human resources professional development

On April 9-11, 2016, the Higher School of Science Management of the RAS based on the State Academic University for the Humanities held an intensive professional development course titled “Press-service of a scientific institute or a high tech firm. An intensive course on cooperation with mass media and general public”.

This event was one of the modules of the “Master of Science Management” (MSM) program, which was designed for professional development and retraining of the RAS’ human resources.

During this intensive course, lecturers have explained:

- how to organize effective work with mass media without a budget for promotion;

- how to establish an effective communication system within your organization;

- how search engines and mass media monitoring systems function;

- what are the key principles behind the creation of an information product for mass media.

As the result of the course, the participants have acquired practical skills of the creation of a competitive information product and solidified their knowledge in the “Press-conference” business game, within which they were able to look at the issue from the perspectives of journalists and departments’ heads.


- Elena Kogteva, Head of press-service at Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (from March, 2016); Director of educational program “Communication in Science & Technology”;

- Aleksandra Borisova, PhD in Chemistry. Director of popular science web-portal “Cherdak”; former academic journalist at “Gazata.ru”; former Head of News Department at “Gazeta.ru” and of press-service of MIPT;

- Elena Brandt, Head of public relations office at MIPT; former Director of “Communication Laboratory” project at RVK;

- Elena Zaburdaeva. PhD in Sociology; associate professor; former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO (2005-2014);

- Anton Chugunov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics; senior researcher at the laboratory of biomolecular modeling at IBCh RAS; co-founder of FutureBiotech project; Director of popular science web-portal “Biomolecule”.

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