This March was rich on events at the GAUGN. Here are the most newsworthy:
On March 6, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mehdi Sanai, held a lecture on “International processes and multilateralism”.
On March 7, a well-known orientalist and political figure of Catalonia, a professor at the University of Barcelona, Josep Lewis Alai held a lecture on the topic “Tibet and Inner Asia: from the Big Game of the 19th Century to the Present”. He also spoke about a centuries-old history of interaction between Russia and Catalonia.
On March 14, three events took place at once.
Professor Alan Forrest held two lectures at the faculty of history of the GAUGN for students under the general title "The French Revolution and the Wider World".
The first lecture was on the topic "Exporting Revolution in Europe", the second - "Slavery, Colonialism and the Haitian Revolution".
The students of the “Economics” and “Management” directions of the GAUGN took part in the Nemchinov readings. The 2019 jubilee Nemchinov readings were dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Sergeevich Nemchinov, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder of the economic and mathematical direction, and founder of the CEMI RAS.
The literature club of the GAUGN held a meeting on the subject of Greek-Latin poetry.
The meeting was attended by a specialist in Roman law and various aspects of the history of the Ancient Roman state Lyapustina Elena Valerievna, as well as a specialist in ancient historiography and the history of civil wars in ancient Rome Korolenkov Anton Viktorovich.
On March 16, the first GAUGN chess tournament took place. 12 students took part in it. The student of the 1 year of the law faculty Alexander Saveliev won.