
Monthly digest: December

Happy New Year to everyone! Dear reader, we had so many events this December, that we couldn't cover them all in this article. So here are the most significant and newsworthy.

In the first half of December, the “Duma of Patriots” was held - a series of events, during which students united in 16 opposing parties, participated in debates, listened to master classes and took part in elections in the end. Nine members of the jury carefully studied the finalist teams' agitation and printed materials, a series of videos - short election advertising, revealing the meaning of the concept of patriotism. The key part of the event for the teams was Q&A session for rivals, experts and spectators who were to decide the fate of the winner in one of the nominations.

On December 13, the Dean of the Faculty of philosophy of the GAUGN, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph. D. Vladislav Aleksandrovich Lektorsky took part in the meeting, at which he answered student's questions on the topic “The personal mission of the philosopher”.

On December 21, a panel discussion “The State and Prospects of Russian-American Political and Economic Relations” was held. During the event, a set of political and economic issues was discussed. Professor Valery N. Garbuzov, the Director of the Institute for the USA and Canadian studies of RAS, was an expert on political issues. Viktor Borisovich Supyan, the Head of the Economic Research at the Institute, was invited as an expert on economic issues.

At the IV Forum for Iranian Studies, that was held on December 14 in Moscow, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Russian Federation presented a letter of thanks for a special contribution to development of Iranian Studies to the head of the department of philosophical and political thought of the East, professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mariette Tigranovna Stepanyants.

On December 20, Oriental faculty teacher Sima Nakagawa held a lecture and a master class on the making of Japanese Nengadzho postcards. She told about the New Year customs of Japan, which are still strictly revered by the Japanese, although in the age of information technology there are many other ways of congratulating each other quickly . Students also learned about the traditional Japanese home decoration, New Year's dishes, gifts and etiquette associated with their presentation. In the second part of the event, the students made Japanese-style postcards for their friends and relatives.

Also in December, elections for the chairmen of the Union of Students were held. Four candidates applied for the position. The race was tough, the election headquarters of candidates actively participated in it. At the final stage, when only two candidates remained, even black PR was used. As a result, Anna Ponarskaya -the organizer of GAUGNMUSFEST - won.

On December 28, the GAUGN New Year's Party was held, at which the best faculty curators received certificates, and Anna Ponarskaya received the "Man of the Year" award.

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