
23 июня 2021



June 30, 2021 is a new date in the scientific calendar. The International Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue (State Academic University for the Humanities – GAUGN, Moscow), under the leadership of Associate Professor Inna Merkoulova, came up with an initiative to establish on this date the International Day for Students of Semiotics #STUDSEMIOTICDAY.

This year the Day will be held online on the GAUGN website as a flashmob with the participation of 1st and 2nd year graduate students of the Faculty of History - listeners of the special course "Historical semiotics". They answer the questions: what is the purpose of semiotics, how is it related to other humanities, what are their favorite authors and quotes on semiotics.

The flash mob is also attended by invited guests: foreign representatives of this science, famous professors and young scientists from France (Jacques Fontanille, Didier Tsala Effa, Michele Montanha - University of Limoges), Italy (Franciscu Sedda - University of Cagliari), Spain (Miguel Martin - Complutense University of Madrid), Greece (Evangelos Kourdis - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).

The event is held with the informational support of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, the Romance Federation of Semiotics, the Hellenic Semiotics Society and the Center for Franco-Russian Studies in Moscow.

According to the author of the #STUDSEMIOTICDAY project and of the special course "Historical semiotics" Inna Merkoulova, this international action will attract more attention of young academics working in the field of humanities in Russia and in other countries to semiotics as an interdisciplinary science.

Link to see the flash mob

Теги: semiotics, gaugn, ras, science

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