The Faculty of Oriental Studies functions in conjunction with the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences. It offers Bachelor, Master’s, and PhD programmes in Oriental and African Studies, with a possibility of particular specialisation in the history, language or culture of one of the main sub-regions falling within the remit of the departmental curriculum. Students enrolled in BA and MA programmes have the opportunity to study one European and one Eastern language of their choice, usually Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Arabic. Leading Russian and international scholars from different research institutions ensure the high quality of teaching provided at the faculty. The faculty ranks as one of the best in Russia, and its graduates are highly competitive in the domestic and international labour market.
Faculty of Economics was set up and functions as a continuation of the Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences. The Faculty provides Bachelor, Master’s, and PhD programmes in “Economics” and “Management”, with particular specialisms in logistics, organisation, media and science management. Some of the programmes offered at the faculty are unique in Russia, such as science management. The faculty’s main competitive advantage is provided by a strong theoretical background of its academic staff which translates into a fundamental training of its students which, combined with real-world skills acquired at all levels of faculty education, have made it one of the most attractive destinations for prospective students in Russia and beyond.
Faculty of History has been cooperating with the Institute of World History, Institute of Russian History, Institute of Archaeology and Institute of European Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences. It provides four Bachelor, two Masters’ and two PhD programmes. These are, correspondingly, “General History”, “Archaeology”, “Cultural Sciences and Socio-Cultural Communication”, “European Studies”; “Cultural Studies: Culture of Mass Communication”, “Models of World History”. The faculty is a unique department in Russia in offering a degree in archaeology as a separate studies group, contrary to sub-departmental specialisms usual in most other universities. The Faculty’s departments provide training in the academic disciplines of Russian history, global history, regional studies, source criticisms and auxiliary disciplines, and theory and history of culture.
The faculty’s academics mostly hail from the Academy’s Institute of Civil Law. They offer courses structured into the BA general civil law programme, the MA entrepreneurial law and individually tailored PhD programmes. Students take part in moots and contribute to the university’s legal clinic, apart from being enrolled in apprenticeships and various external programmes aiming at their successful integration into the labour market, where GAUGN lawyers have already established a reputation for the university.
Attached to the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences, the faculty offers Bachelor, Master’s, and PhD degrees in Philosophy. It has fostered close relations with a number of international partners in the UK, France and Germany, although a particular stress has been laid on collaboration with universities in Asia, as students have an opportunity to attend courses in a number of eastern languages and thus go beyond the standard curriculum of western continental and analytical philosophy. Many of scholars active at the faculty have conducted ground-breaking work in their fields, making students acquainted not only with an established university tradition, but also with cutting-edge research.
The Faculty of Political Science conducts its research and teaching both in fundamental and applied political science, preparing its graduates for academic careers and for other career paths in public administration, political organisations or media outlets, among others. It offers Bachelor and Master’s programmes in “Political Science”. The programmes cover fundamentals of political theory, political philosophy, practical political science (including policy analysis, prognosis, public administration), theoretical aspects of international relations, and qualitative and quantitative research methodology.
The Faculty of Psychology is based at the Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Science. It offers Bachelor, Master’s, and PhD programme in “Psychology”. Two variations of Master’s programmes (“Personality Psychology” and “Consulting Psychology”), and a PhD specialisation in psychology are offered within the faculty. Building on the traditional strength of Russian academic school in psychology, the faculty has maintained a high standard of education, tailoring it to the changing needs of market, such as opening up careers in business consulting and a number of cross-disciplinary courses with physiology and medicine.
The faculty of Sociology was established at the Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Science. It offers Bachelor, Master’s, and PhD programs in sociology, with varying degrees of specialisation in theoretical or practical social sciences. Many academic staff and students are involved in large-scale sociological research (surveys, longitudinal research) conducted at the Academy; it is this conjunction of fieldwork and solid theoretical foundations that has allowed many graduates to integrate into different areas of professional activities, from academia to business to public administration.
The Faculty of World Politics was set up at the Institute for US and Canada Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences. It offers Bachelor in “International Relations” and both Bachelor and Master’s in “Regional (US and Canada) Studies”. During the Soviet era, the institute found itself at the forefront of academic research, which has secured solid foundations for its research and teaching today (it has been repeatedly ranked as Russia’s leading think-tank). Even within GAUGN, which has set its stakes on tailored education in smaller groups, the faculty accounts as one of the smallest, with its students undergoing individual training and developing a profound understanding of transatlantic affairs and global political processes.