
1 сентября 2017

Социологический факультет

13th Conference of the European Sociological Association

29 августа-01 сентября 2017 года руководство, преподаватели и выпускники социологического факультета ГАУГН приняли участие в 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association «(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities».
Oрганизатор: European Sociological Association (ESA)

  • к.соц.н. Епихина Ю.Б. "Class Dimension of the Precarity" (RN06_02b_H: Damaged Lives. Precarious Work).
  • к.соц.н. Ваньке А.В. к.соц.н. Тартаковская И.Н. "Gender Habituses of Working-Class Men and Women in Russia"(RN33_05a_H: Gender Relations in Post-Socialist Societies).
  • д.соц.н. Семенова В.В. "Professional Success: Changing Self-reflection of Professionals" (Biographical Constructions of New Inequalities in Europe: Precariat, Capitalism and Solidarity II).
  • aкадемик РАН, д.филос.н. Горшков М.К. к.соц.н., доц. Тюрина И.О. "Russian Society within the Context of Internal and External Factors of Crisis Reality" (RN36_06a_H: Social Transformations and Stratification Trends).
  • д.соц.н., проф. Девятко И.Ф. к.соц.н. Быков А.В. "Weighing the Moral Worth of Actions: a Factorial Survey Approach to Measuring the Ordinary Normative Evaluations of Altruistic Actions" (RN21_02b_P: Interviewer Effects and Measurement Errors).
  • к.соц.н. Гаврилов К.А. "Who Is to Blame for the Terrorist Attack: an Experience of Using Blogs and Survey Data as Sources of Responsibility Ascriptions" (RN22_01a_P: Methods and Methodologies in Risk Research).
  • д.соц.н. Черныш М.Ф. "Social Factors Shaping Russian Civic Culture" (N36_05a_P: Political Behavior in Transformative Context).



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