13 марта 2018
События факультетов
International workshop on transcendental philosophy
Department of Philosophy of the State Academic University for the Humanities (
The aim of the workshop is to analyze the nature (the specificity) of transcendental philosophy and to discuss different contemporary interpretations of transcendental philosophy of I. Kant and E. Husserl.
Main topics:
- Kant’s transcendentalism: the interpretation of "two aspects" (realism) vs. the interpretation of "two worlds/objects" (phenomenalism; intentionalism);
- Kant’s theory of experience (empirical knowledge): constructivism vs. realism;
- Nature (Specifics) of Husserl’s transcendental philosophy;
- Nature (Specifics) of Neo-Kantianism.
Date: 20-22 April 2018.
Venue: Moscow, SAUH, RSUH.
Formats of participation:
- Keynote presentation/co-presentations (speech
aprox . 40 min, question & discussion 20 min);
- Talks within thematic and panel sections (speech
aprox .20 min, question & discussion 5-10 min);
- Small talks within the thematic and panel sections (10 - 15 min.). The working languages of the workshop will be Russian, English.
Conditions for participants: The Committee does not cover the travel expense and accommodation in Moscow, meanwhile the necessary info support may be provided.
Organizing and Program Committee: Chairman Vladislav Lektorsky, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. S. L. Katrechko (vice-chairman), Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. А. A. Shiyan (vice-chairman), Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. M. A. Belousov, Ph.D. N. N. Emelyanova.
Contacts: Katrechko Sergey (skatrechko@gmail.com; +7(977) 3824070), Shiyan Ann (annasamoikina@yandex.ru). The page of the workshop on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/832680423448942/.
Organizing Committee contacts: 119049, Moscow, Maronovsky per. 26, room 233, +7(499)238-47-04.
The publication of the papers in the volume of the proceedings is planned. Set of the contributions is intended for the publication in leading Russian and international Kantian journals (Kantovsky
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