1 июня 2019
Monthly digest: May
First-year students of the “economics” direction visited the State Duma of the Russian Federation under the guidance of senior lecturer . The students visited the parliamentary library, watched a new film about the history of the creation of the Duma in Russia and it's basic functions, saw how the bills are discussed in real time.
On May 12, a group of second and third year students of the Faculty of Philosophy of the GAUGN, accompanied by teachers, visited the city of Vladimir and met with the most ancient monuments of Russian architecture, which were built in Russia in the second half of the XII century by Princes Andrew Bogolyubsky and his younger brother Vsevolod the Big Nest. During the trip, the group listened to a lecture on the history of the Andrei Bogolyubsky castle, the "Pokrova na Nerli" Church , the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, the Uspensky Cathedral in Vladimir and the Golden Gate, and also got to know their symbolism. Special attention during the excursion trip was paid to the familiarity with the frescoes of Andrei Rublev, who worked in the Uspensky Cathedral in Vladimir at the beginning of the 15th century. The work of the famous Russian icon painter is a vivid example of what Evgeny Trubetskoy called "speculation in colors" and is a good example of the depth of the spiritual culture of medieval Russia.
On May 14, GAUGN Talks conference was held at the Zaryadie Media Center. The conference let the participants to gain experience in public speaking in English, as well as to get useful information across to the audience.
More than 60 speakers made presentations on the most topical and hot issues: they shared methods of motivation and time management, raised topics of tolerance and feminism, talked about contemporary art and virtual reality.
The project was supported by news presenter and RT International correspondent Sean Thomas. A native speaker of English spoke in the same format as every other speaker at GAUGN Talks: in 4 minutes he told how dreams and actions shape the life course of a person.
From May 14 to May 15, the International Scientific Student Symposium "Russia in the World: History, Modernity, Prospects" was held by GAUGN.
At the plenary meeting, the honorary guests of the Symposium: Nobel Peace Prize winner, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the University of Grenoble Dominique Raynaud made a presentation on the contribution of Russian scientists to climate research and Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Sorbonne University Jean-Pierre Declet.
Jean-Pierre Declet dedicated his report to Russian-French scientific relations in linguistics, mathematics and automatic translation problems, noting the special contribution of Russian scientists to solving these problems, who in the 1970s already asked questions about the functioning of languages and the development of logical algebraic language.
From May 13 to May 15, the Eurasia region Media Forum was held in Zaryadie Park, which brought together young journalists from the EEU countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.
The Media Forum was organized by the State Academic University of the Humanities, the Russian-Belarusian Expert Club, Zaryadie Park and the Interregional Expert Center ANO with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation.
The following speakers gave a speech at the opening of the Media Forum: Chairman of the Program Committee of the Event, President of the GAUGN Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Chubaryan, Rector of the GAUGN Denis Fomin-Nilov and Director of Zaryadie Park Pavel Trekhleb.
Over the course of three days over 30 speakers spoke to the participants! Famous journalists shared their experiences with the forum participants.
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