Monthly digest: July
The accreditation of Rosobrnadzor, Graduation ceremony and 6th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions. July in GAUGN was full of important and interesting events. Firstly, our University has successfully passed the accreditation of Federal Service for supervision in education and science(Rosobrnadzor). On July 1, the Center of Youth Policy began working at the ...
Изменен: 21.08.2019graduation , State Duma of the Russian Federation , 6th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions , accreditation , GAUGN
Путь: Медиа / Новости / Облако тэгов
Admission has started!
Starting from June 20 , you can apply for enrollment at GAUGN. Starting from June 20 , you can apply for enrollment at GAUGN! If you are to submit your documents to study at GAUGN, our Admission Commission will assist you throughout the process. Working hours: 10.00 - 16.00 Address: Maronovsky per. 26,...
Изменен: 29.06.2016GAUGN , admission , enrollment
Путь: Медиа / Новости / Облако тэгов
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