
XIX конгресс Международной  социологической  ассоциации ISA World Congress of Sociology

15-21 июля 2018 г. в Торонто (Канада) пройдет XIX конгресс Международной социологической ассоциации ISA World Congress of Sociology «Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities», в работе которого примут участие руководство и преподаватели социологического факультета ГАУГН.


  • Академик РАН, д.филос.н. Горшков М.К. Организатор сессии "Brics Sociology of Youth: Theoretical and Practical Contributions to Understanding"
  • Академик РАН, д.филос.н. Горшков М.К. к.соц.н., доц. Тюрина И.О. Oral Presentation "Sociology of Youth in Russia: Historical Experience and Current Approaches"
  • к.соц.н. Попова Е.С. Discussant "Paradoxes of Inequality: Higher Education, Minorities, and Job Market"
  • д.филос.н., проф. Мансуров В.А. к.соц.н. Юрченко О.В. Distributed Paper "Professional Dynasties and the State: Changes in the Relations"
  • к.соц.н. Попова Е.С. Distributed Paper "Tertiary Education and Labour Market: Towards Ontological Inequality"
  • д.соц.н. Чередниченко Г.А. Организатор секции "Youth"
  • д.соц.н. Черныш М.Ф. Организатор сессии "Higher Education, Social Justice and Development in the BRICS Countries"
  • д.соц.н. Черныш М.Ф. Oral Presentation "Social Justice in National Contexts: Neoliberalism and Youth Fortunes in the Brics Countries"
  • д.филос.н., проф., Мансуров В.А. к.соц.н. Юрченко О.В.  Distributed Paper "The Fall of Primary School Teachers’ Authority"
  • к.соц.н. Епихина Ю.Б. Distributed Paper "Cohort Analysis of the Education Mobility in Russia"
  • к.соц.н. Шилова В.А. Oral Presentation "Communicative Practices of Rural Youth in Russia in the Light of "Cellular De-Urbanization"

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