
Monthly digest: July

On July 2 the lecture of the senior lecturer of the faculty of political science of the GAUGN, candidate of science Ilya Rodina on "Students and the future: how the events of 1968 changed France" was held within the Scientific and Educational Lecture "Time to Think" at CEFR. Students of the GAUGN, representatives of French researchers, scholarship holders from the CEFR joined the discussions.

A separate controversy unfolded between political science students and philosophy students about the lack institutionalization of protest actions, Marxist and non-Marxist interpretations of the pre-revolutionary situation.

On June 18, GAUGN launched an internship program in the journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which includes a training module.

More than 100 young people applied for the program. After passing the tests and interviews, 50 people were selected. On Wednesdays the trainees will study modern world standards of scientific periodicals and best practices.

As a result of the program, participants will get certificates of professional development. We hope that this program will help to create a personnel reserve for solving problems in scientific book publishing and periodicals.

On July 2018, a Graduation ceremony of our dear bachelors and masters was held at the faculties of the GAUGN.

At each ceremony, the GAUGN prex, D.V. Fomin-Nilov, advised the bachelors to apply for master's program and presented badges, symbolizing the belonging to the graduates of the GAUGN community. For the first time in GAUGN, the traditional master's marks of Excellence were presented.

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