July in GAUGN was full of important and interesting events.
Firstly, our University has successfully passed the accreditation of Federal Service for supervision in education and science(Rosobrnadzor).
On July 1, the Center of Youth Policy began working at the University. This structure will coordinate all students activities and will help in various events: seminars, meetings, creative evenings and intellectual competitions.
On July 11, future diplomacy from Faculty of World politics visited the State Duma of the Russian Federation for parliamentary hearings on the topic: “Ensuring strategic stability in the face of changing global security architecture: a parliamentary dimension”.
From 16 to 18 July at St. Petersburg the GAUGN rector D.V. Fomin-Nilov attended the 6th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions. This year’s forum focused on inter-regional ties as a foundation for the two nations’ common cultural and humanitarian space.
On 23 of July for the first time in GAUGN history there was the Graduation ceremony for all of our bachelors at RAS Presidium. More than 200 people got their diplomas, a lot of student leaders get archievents from the GAUGN rector, D.V. Fomin-Nilov. He advised the bachelors to apply for master's program and presented badges, symbolizing the belonging to the graduates of the GAUGN community. For the first time in GAUGN five thousand graduate was determined.